
Real estate is one of the largest purchases an individual can make in their lifetime. An often exciting investment, there are many details to take care of, and several that specifically require a lawyer’s assistance to ensure everything happens quickly and smoothly.
At KSW Lawyers, our experienced real estate lawyers have been assisting individuals throughout the Fraser Valley and Lower Mainland since 1973. They have the knowledge, expertise, and experience to guide you through the process, assisting with negotiations, preparing and witnessing documents, and advising you on the best course of action to reach your goals, in the most efficient way possible.
Our team of experienced real estate lawyers have assisted families throughout the Fraser Valley and Lower Mainland in securing their mortgages and other forms of real estate financing since 1973.
Whether you’re buying a home or selling an investment property, our team of real estate lawyers can help you navigate all the legal requirements of the sale and prepare your mortgage.
Securing a mortgage or other forms of financing is a crucial component to buying a home. Let our experienced lawyers help you handle the necessary paperwork and ensure your application goes through swiftly and without issue.
As communities, strata properties are governed by their own sets of bylaws and rules, which are intended to help everyone live together peacefully. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and legal support in dealing with your strata council or other strata owners may be necessary.
Have questions? Need insight? Our team can assist you in examining your options and determining which path best suits your needs.